IRISH FESTIVAL - September 14


12300 Shoemaker Rd., Excelsior Springs, MO 64024

IrishFest Ticket Information
Irish Festival artwork

First Annual lrish Festival

May your day be touched with a bit of Irish luck, brightened by a song in your heart at the first Annual Excelsior Springs Irish Festival. There will be food trucks, craftsman booths, a magician for the kids, beer tents, and music to round out the day. Line up includes Eddie Delahunt, Into the Sun, and the Canterberries.

Join us for a day of family fun. Kids 12 and under get in free!  

No outside coolers or beverages will be permitted on festival grounds.

Parking is available at the event.

Irish Festival Events rotating gif

You may also park downtown Excelsior Springs and take the trolley out to the festivities.
If you plan to take the Trolley out to Shamrock, please be sure to click the zero-dollar Trolley ticket item at check-out.

Trolley pick-ups will depart from the Pocket Park on the corner of Marietta & Broadway. 

There is plenty of Downtown parking. Guest may utilize the gravel lots past Slightly off-Broadway Theatre on Marietta. Walk to the corner of Marietta & Broadway for Trolley pick-up.

The Trolley will be running loops for pick-up times:
1pm | 3pm | 5pm

The last trip back to town leaves at 8pm from Shamrock Hills Vineyard.

Thank You to our 2024 Sponsors

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